Busy, busy being creative..!

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Day 3 - In search of Fabric

OK - so I didn't start this blog on Day One as I should have - but I have very good reasons! (which I won't share just yet!) So am starting this on day three. That's OK. ;-)

Here's an outline of my project idea:

(which has been in my head for about two years I think):
  1. Make up some bags from recycled materials that have positive messages on them - Do what you Love, Follow Your Heart etc (I have already made cushions like this) - see pic attached.  These are made from upcycled shirts. But thinking I could use different types of materials. Want to spread some uplifting and positive messages around Bristol!
  2. Then when I've made some bags (30 I think as it's a 30 day programme) I'm going to put tags on them that say...'If you find this bag - please take it and use it instead of a plastic bag. And take a photo of you using it and email it to me at this address...thinking a blog would be ok - wouldn't ness need a website.
  3. Then on one day go out and about Bristol and leave them around for the good folk of Bristol to find.
  4. Have a blog set up so as people send in photos of them using the bags..ooh I could use Facebook.
  5. See how far away bags end up - what countries...!
  6. And yesterday had the idea of at the end of the project I invite everyone who found a bag to a picnic/feast where they bring food with them in their bags - which they have either homemade or grown locally or bought locally. Trying to think of a way to make it a kind of community art project that shows what you can do with recycling and the importance of local food...ummm
  7. So think that's it! 

Pic of the cushion I've made - idea is to make bags with this theme:

So today I've done two things. 
1. Called into a charity shop to find some more shirts to convert into bags. They are too expensive for this as I'm cutting them up, so asked about the rag bag. They sell this and it it already all packed up so wouldn't be able to rummage through. So had an idea...
2. On to Google and found Bristol Textile Recyclers, based in St. Philips. They have a programme called 'Clothes for a Cause' which actually fits with this 30 Day programme. So I called them....And have an appointment to go there tomorrow at 11.00 to have a look at what they have an *hopefully* be able to get some materials for free for this project. Cool. 

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