Busy, busy being creative..!


A project celebrating turning 40 by completing the 40 things on my list below. 

This project started on 23 November 2014 when I turned 40! 

*UPDATE* I'm extending this project to be completed in my 40s - CLICK here's why CLICK

It was a challenge itself to get the list down to 40.

I’d love to do these things with others – do you have the same item on your list – why don’t we do it together? Or can you help me make it happen? 

Here’s to an exciting year of being 40!

*Drum Roll Please*

In no particular order! 

As of Sunday 24 March 2024: 23 completed / 17 to go!


19. Have an exhibition - CURRENTLY on show at Keynsham Library until end of April 2024

26. Spend 2 weeks min as an Artist in Residence [2024] I have been accepted on a 12-month residency at The Studio in Bath to develop my filmmaking and sound skills.

1.  Brecons to Morwenstow Pilgrimage –(cycling, boat, walking & maybe donkey!) COMPLETED! Wow what an adventure it was!

2. Have a special 'Creative Adventurer' cocktail created for me by a famous mixologist - DONE! Created by Gary and Orlando on Burgh Island 22 November (ok so a day early!) There is video evidence!

6. Have blue hair - YES! And you can read about that HERE

7. Go Skinny Dipping at a Wild swimming location DONE at 2 mins past midnight in the Mermaid Pool at Burgh Island. So on the morning of my birthday then back to the bar for a celebratory drink! 

9. Take Part in the Sketchbook Project at The Brooklyn Art Gallery – View it here!

13. Go up in a hot air balloon! Read about that here

14. Go to at least one Celtic celebration – Beltane, Solstice, Samhain or Imbolc 

17. Have dinner at The Tree Chimneys Restaurant on The Isle of Skye - Completed 24 November 2017 for my Birthday!

20. Stay on Lundy Island!

21. See Puffins on an island off the coast of the UK - TICK Puffins Galore on Skomer Island

22. Have a pint with Danny Wallace. His books have caused many laugh out loud moments and I just love what he gets up to! - YES Completed Saturday 26 September

24. Stay at Burgh Island Completed 21-23 November 2014

27. Host a party! A 1930 style speakeasy 

29. Have some red leather shoes handmade for me

30. Firewalk! Registered to do this in November for Penny Brohn Cancer Care! YIKES! Pls will you sponsor us? - Completed 13 November

31. Climb Snowdon - The highest mountain in Wales

32. Trampoline in a cave– at Llechwedd Slate Caverns, Blaenau Ffestiniog!

35. Appear in a national magazine - YES and so chuffed with the result!

36. See a play at The Globe Theatre in London

39. Take my Figaro Henry, to a Figaro Car Event

40. Go at high speed on a Bobsled! - Completed Saturday 21 April 2018 


3. Swim with Dolphins in the wild - where?

4. Take part in and experience The Burning Man Festival 

5. DJ at an event

8. 40 Faces Project – find 40 women all born in 1974 from around the world and create a collaborative artwork 

10. Appear on Dr. Who

11. Write (and publish) a book*

12. Do a handstand

15. Learn to play a song on the guitar

16. Hunt for razor clams on the beach 

23. Go on a Game show! (shame Supermarket Sweep is no longer running!)

25. Recreate my Do What You Love Bags project in another city. Where?

28. Have my portrait painted

33. Create a wishing Bird tree  - A community art installation in a local woodland

34. Have a theme tune written for me (hee hee)

37. Go to Legoland!

38. Create a fantasy photoshoot (Annie Lebovitz style)

Me getting into mischief..!

*No.11 WAS - Go to the Secret Garden Party Festival - Agh the last one ever is this year (2017) so going to have to change this one...so I've updated it to something else as this wish is no longer do-able! See what happens when you leave things too late?  UPDATE [2024] - I DID go in the end in, and it was a bit of a disaster!!


  1. Hi Morwhenna, I'd like to paint your portrait. I see it's on your list. Just for fun. What do you say?

  2. I'd love to appear on Dr Who as well! That would be amazing.

  3. Oh your list is brilliant Morwhenna! Fantastic fun stuff. I think I could do the Secret Garden Party and the Sketchbook Project (obviously!) without too much trouble. And a pint with Danny Wallace would be amazing because he's a comedy writing hero of mine and he's inspired the book I'm working on. We should talk about that one. I think he goes to a 'Join Me' reunion once a year in a pub in London. The Burning Man Festival would be incredible if I can afford to do it; I'd need to know more about it. How are you getting on finding women turning 40 on the same day as you?

    1. AWESOME! ooh so excited Richard that you'd like to do those! I've just joined the 'Join Me' Forum to see if there is a meet-up next year - so YES we need to talk about this and make plans. Hee hee and at the moment I have no idea how to even get Burning Man tickets - so that in itself is all an adventure. I'll let you know what I know and I've signed up to their newsletter and discovered there is a Bristol meet up group!

      No luck yet with finding other women turning 40 same day as me yet!

    2. Send out a post advertising this and set privacy to open to all and let your FB friends share it. Dorothy
      Just had to laugh at myself - I thought the blue button said 'Rubbish' and couldn't find the publish button. Oh time to go to bed....

  4. I would love to do the Globe, and Legoland (eveything is awesoooome!!) and Burning man (if I can). You could do your Do What You Love thing in Bournemouth and I could help!

  5. Puffins…yes! Sketchbook challenge …yes! Snowdonia …yes!
    Envy for your treat at Burgh Island … have a great time!

    1. Off a Puffining we are going Rhian!! Whoop Whoop Lundy Here we come!

  6. May I join you at The Globe please? Been meaning to go for ages as a friend keeps telling me how wonderful it is. And Legoland would be fun! What sort of exhibition are you thinking of doing?

    1. YES Michi that would be wonderful! Exhibition wise I'm not really sure yet - I think it could come out of some of the other things on my list. Any ideas welcome!
