Busy, busy being creative..!

Sunday 29 July 2012

Bags of Love for the Olympics Volunteers!

Well today has been spent mainly relaxing, watching the Olympics on TV (Yeah two medals for us so far! - well done Lizzie and Becky!) and finishing my bag display piece for the pop-up shop, after yesterday's epic journey (which all went sooo smoothly!) to London.

Have to say was REALLY impressed with the whole thing and the Olympic Volunteers are just brilliant and are doing a fantastic job! Here's just a few pics of the lovely people we met during the day.;-)

We got the train from West Ruislip (which we had to ourselves to start with), but soon met two lovely volunteers on their way to their first shifts at the Aquatic Centre at Olympic Park.

Katie and Emma - Kindly posing for a photo!
Katie Loves:Swimming
Emma Loves: Walking
Am totally loving the way the Olympics are bring people together. Katie and Emma were the first volunteers we met and they were so friendly, chatty and it was just great talking to them about why they wanted to take part, and their experience so far - which has all been positive!

We got off the train at Stratford, said good bye and good luck to Katie and Emma and then got the DLR to Excel. 

Getting to Excel - we were greeted on every corner by another friendly, smiling volunteer...including this lovely lady...!

We chatted to pretty much each Volunteer we met along the way and they really added to the atmosphere of the day. Good Job I say!

ooh and this is what we went to see....Women's fencing.

Women's fencing - pretty damn cool

Thursday 26 July 2012

Bags of Love for New York!

Newsflash! One of my bags has made it to New York! Here's Selina with her bag on Brookyn Bridge! how exciting!! This is the furthest so far (that I know) one of my bags has gone... 

Bags of Love in New York!
please send me your pics of you using your bags - and If you would like one - please visit my Folksy page. ;-0 http://folksy.com/shops/morwhenna (plug...)

Have been busy getting things ready for the Pop-up shop opening next week - have to admit to feeling a tad overwhelmed (and excited of course) about it all!

Sharing my Journey so far...'

I gave a talk yesterday about my 'project/business' to a great bunch of people at a carers centre in Bath. The group is run by Clive, who I know through my previous job and on hearing what I'd been doing asked me if I would share my 'journey so far' with them.  I wasn't sure what they would be able to 'take away' from what I had to share - but thought - Yes I'd love to. Even if it helps one person then that's good enough for me!

The group meet on a monthly basis to talk about things like setting up a business, or help with their cvs if they are applying for positions and also developing their skills. Each person there cares for someone and so it's a huge challenge to be able to work in a way that is flexible enough for them.  

Yes, I was nervous - but they were very welcoming (the coffee and flapjacks were excellent!) and interested in what I was sharing with them. I needn't have worried has it was Fab! and everyone said they felt 'inspired' by what I was doing. WOW I thought! This is truly amazing! 

I shared what I'd learnt on the 30DC, and how being part of that had helped me SO MUCH! And got the feeling that they can now maybe take a different approach to how they view 'work'  ;-)

So talking to those people got me thinking about what other things I could possibly develop. Nothing concrete yet. Just some ideas.

Wedding Bag - made to order

Second 'Wedding bag' off to new owner!

Today I've posted my second commissioned wedding bag, and hope that they like it! After seeing the one I'd made for Sara to use in her wedding photoshoots, a friend of mine asked me to make her one as a present for her sister. As each one is unique it's different again and as this was for a 'non-pink' person I've used blues. 

Also used larger font and have lined this bag to make it stronger. (All feedback welcome please)

I'm pleased with how it looks - but hope the bride loves it!

This week I've also ordered my 'numbering' screen so I'll be able to print the bag numbers on each bag. Can't wait for that to arrive. Fingers crossed will be here tomorrow!

Using shirt fabric to line the wedding bag

Photoshoot project

I've had over 20 requests to take part! and they are still coming in! It closes on the 31 July so I wonder how many I'll have had by then. Then the challenge of deciding who will be taking part will begin..

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Popping up in the Pop-up shop

Me & Bryony at the Paper Scissors Stone Pop-up shop Vol II

Heck it's all been rather busy past few days - and it's only Tuesday!! So a little update..

Had a great meeting with the lovely Bryony yesterday at the Paper Scissors Stone pop up shop as I'll be there from the 02 August - 25 September at  Vol III - Whoo Hoo!

Shame I've got my eyes closed in the pic - but hey ho. It will be in the same place it is now (right by Raymond Blanc's place in Quaker Friars. LAUNCH PARTY - 01 August!! will let you know more details when I do! ;-) 

So many talented people here in Vol II - so do check out their lovely things!


Have also been getting more requests for application forms to 'take part' in my photo shoot. Been getting some really interesting peeps - keep them coming please! 

Have also sold my 'Life's an Adventure' piece! and had request for another already. So double excitement there!

(sorry - are the !! getting too much?)

umm oh yes I now have a twitter account - @BagsofLove4 - so do follow me (if you want to that is!!) 

Fun thing is I tweeted about my project - Guides 2 Bristol re-tweeted it in a matter od seconds and a few minutes later I got my first request via twitter. cool.

Went a bit 'Facebook' Crazy - posting all over the place - some lovely people letting me post on their pages - Like Toby Asiam at TruthJuice Bristol - Thank you Toby! They host loads of interesting events. - Check them out here: 


Dropped Banksy an email too - thought he might be interested in taking part..No reply yet.

And this evening - I've just had another idea...the See No Evil graffiti gig is in Bristol from 13 August for a week. sooo I've just contacted them (well Inkie) to see if I can take some of my bags down and get them 'graffiti-ed' during the event. Then either sell them at the Pop-Up Shop or auction them off - or something!! That would be rather cool eh? Any one know anyone that can put me in touch with someone...??

Monday 16 July 2012

'Life's an Adventure'

I'm so excited! I've already had some people requesting to take part in my 'Do what you Love' photo shoot and interview piece and I have only really posted it on Facebook so far. 

Can't wait to see who has applied by the end of the month. So please share it - share it - and share it some more! I'm convinced there are 100s of people in Bristol doing what they love - and I want to find them!! (but need your help!).

So this weekend I've finished my latest piece. Not really sure what to call it? 'Felt art' or up-cycled art? am sure it will come to me...

So here it is....I'll be taking this to my meeting with Bryony from Made In Bristol this afternoon, when we meet to talk about Vol3. of Paper, Scissors, Stone pop-up shop. *so excited!!*

Friday 13 July 2012

Thursday 12 July 2012

Yeah! for the Bristol Wood Recycling Project

Tim and Yaz at the BWRP - Thank you for your help!

HECK! I can't quite believe it's been so long since I'd written anything on my blog! 

I won't go overboard now and write about everything in detail - so will go for a bullet point approach! 

But staring from today and working backwards to the last time I posted.

So, this morning I went to the Bristol Wood Recycling Project to get some...errr...wood for my latest creation. You'll see in a minute that I've made a slight departure from bags..

I met Tim and Yaz there, who were fab! so helpful and it's just such a great place! If you live in Bristol and have never been there, seriously - go and check it out. They have been going since 2004 and are a self-funded community enterprise. 

They are so much more than a wood yard - go see and support them! ;-) 
Here's a link to their website: http://www.bwrp.org.uk  

So much wood!!
So lets see what else has been happening..

*exciting news no.1* 
I've been accepted to take part in Vol.3 of the Made in Bristol pop-up shop!! 

Wow! and I'm meeting Bryony - the lady behind these shops on Monday afternoon. This Vol. will run from 02 August - 25 September...will keep you posted on that!

*exciting news no.2* 
Old desks - would look funky painted
I now have a super local photographer - Lydia Samuel - who is going to collaborate with me on my 'Do what you love' photo shoot!' I'm looking for 10 local people who 'love what they do' to interview them about why they love it and how they've got there, and photograph them holding one of my bags of cushions. Creating an application form at the moment - so if you want to apply..

*exciting news no.3*

I now have a Folksy Shop! and have already had my first order! (thank you Sara!)

Here's the link:


which have my new 'dream time' sleep sachets.

*exciting news no.4*

I've started work on my 'Felt letter art' piece...Life's an Adventure. Using recycled materials. The frame is made from an old pallet (thank you Rich!) and the fabric is shirt material. Is now ready to be finished.

Yep - me cutting some hardboard
- this is the backing for the 'felt art'