Busy, busy being creative..!

Sunday, 15 July 2018

Easy Evening Adventure

Too hot to be going out during the day? Have an evening adventure...
Find an interesting place on a map of your local area. Go see what it actually looks like...

All images copyright Morwhenna Woolcock.
If you wish to use any - please contact me. Thanks!

Wednesday, 4 July 2018

A Wild Art-ternoon

Look up. The view from my hammock.

Last weekend (30th June/1st July), was the UK's national night and day of adventure known as Wild Night Out. This year I took part and here's what happened...

My Wild Night Out actually became a 'Wild Art-ternoon' and was close to home. I had planned to sleep out in my hammock, but as I couldn't get my dog to get into it, my partner was away and the place I chosen had a massive badger set - decided a wild afternoon would be my alternative!! 

It was wonderful.

The main aim really was to *finally* put up the hammock I've had for over three years (possibly longer??) and never taken out of its jacket. I did a test run in the garden the night before, and discovered that no, the gazebo frame wouldn't actually hold the hammock with me in it!! ;-0 Doing that test helped me realise how easy setting up a hammock actually was. Actually going and put it up in the location I've had my eye on for a long time was hugely satisfying.

Spending a few hours relaxing in the hammock whilst watching my dog enjoy herself exploring, looking up and marveling at the different view and perspective being cocooned in a hammock gave me and having the freedom to play with whatever natural materials I could find to created some doodles (a feather) was lots of fun and a much needed tonic. 

Due to my disability I do struggle getting in and out of small tents (I always get my left foot caught some how and usually end up tripping over the guy ropes!), so having spent just a few hours in a hammock and discovering how easy it is to set up by myself, get in and out of and how deliciously comfortable it is, I'm definitely going to be sleeping out in it this summer and having more hammocking adventures! [I've already got plenty of ideas].

It's surprising how being the recipient of a WNO mug gave me that extra bit of encouragement and impetus to do something that I'd been thinking about doing for years!

Thank you Wild Night Out! 

Did you take part? Do you fancy a Wild Night/Afternoon/Morning yourself? Well, you can do it anytime - how about this weekend? Have a look at The Wild Night Out website for some inspiration.

Pre-Wild Afternoon trial. The slight look of terror on my face is due to the fact that, at that very moment,
we realised the gazebo couldn't hold the hammock with me in it!! ;-0 he he

A quick look through my emails and I discover that I actually bought the hammock in September 2014!!! Its a Scout Hammock from DD Hammocks, which I think is brilliant value and I'm def doing to sleeping out in it!

[This isn't affiliated - I bought the hammock myself][I won the WNO mug via an instagram competition]