Busy, busy being creative..!

Sunday 31 December 2017

Cheers to you! And 2017 in Review

Cheers! Island No.14 The Isle of Skye, November 2017
On the eve of this New Year, I've been reflecting on 2017 and all the highs and lows that this year has brought with it. Overall, I'd say it's been an exceptional year and personally I've upped my courage and completed many firsts, some of which have been really challenging. 

Such as; speaking in front of large groups of people at Bath Spa University and at Watershed, Bristol; completing part one of my UK Islands Project and all that's gone with it (so far) - visiting 14 UK islands actually takes a fair amount of planning!; Having an article published in Psychologies magazine; being on a podcast with Idea Medic Tara Roskell; Interviewed on BBC Radio Bristol; appearing on Channel Islands News (when I nearly said no); receiving a letter from the Pope; meeting wonderful new people & getting to know those I already know better; hanging out with Puffins - not just once but twice - on Skomer & Skokholm; receiving a letter from Prince Charles; sleeping on the top of Glastonbury Tor in a Bivi bag with wild sleeper extraordinaire Phoebe Smith; seeing red squirrels on Brownsea and taking part in a National Trust working holiday (being physically able to do it (just about!); running a series of local creative adventures; having my 'Burn out' artwork in an exhibition as part of Mental Health week; finally having dinner at The Three Chimneys on the Isle of Skye (a desire I've had for over 15 years!); making my first ever Christmas cake (it was a bit over done and the edges burnt but once I'd cut them off, warmed it up and added a dollop of cream it wasn't too bad!) and marking the milestone that it's been 30 years since I had a brain hemorrhage...

Even with all these wonderful experiences (and these are actually a snapshot as there have been many others), there have also been some really dark days in between these golden moments. Days when I've been anxious and depressed with barely the energy or motivation to get out of bed, let alone be skippy and climb a mountain. So I'm also acknowledging them as they've also been a part of this year and really part of who I am at the moment. It's an on going journey after all!

Noticing too that I still spend waaaay too long faffing about and thinking more than doing so 2018 I'll be more mindful of this and well, erm, actually allowing for it.

Going in to 2018 I'm feeling positive and optimistic. I've chosen the word Plenty (so that any time I'm feeling lacking on time or resources or well anything, I can say - I've got Plenty of xxx (time, gumption, skills etc...)

Do you have a word or a feeling you'd like to imbue 2018 with? 
If so, what is it?

I'm also going to continue with my UK Islands Project as I didn't complete the artwork during this year as I'd intended. I just didn't have the head space to do it as well as all the planning and organising that each island adventure and working part-time required. 

Lesson learnt. 

2018 will be about the creating process with the aim of having an exhibition, whatever shape that may take...

I'm also going to be going deeper not wider and a post shared by Judith Morgan (who has just written a brilliant book) has further inspired me to do this. I'll be finishing off things and reading the books I already have rather than buying new ones (I've just finished reading a book I'd bought two years ago...)

How about you?

What are your golden moments from 2017?

and what are your intentions for 2018?

Hopefully we'll get the opportunity to have some creative adventures together ;-)

Much love and creative sparkle


Thank you for being part of 2017 and making it joyful (even on those grey days) as an encouraging comment here and a smile there really does make all the difference. 
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you xx

Being on the Channel Islands news whist in Jersey was an OMG moment!

Tuesday 29 August 2017

A Creative Adventurer is.....(complete the sentence)

A Bardsey Island Shell. Photograph by Morwhenna Woolcock

What did you think when you read...A Creative Adventurer is...?

I was thinking about this the other day and started to jot down a list..

Here's what I put..(in no particular order)

A Creative Adventurer / is...
  • curious
  • mindful
  • relishes new experiances
  • follows the 'crumbs of curiosity' 
  • sees things from a different perspective
  • notices the small things
  • savors the moment
  • makes time for sitting and looking
  • knows an adventure can begin as soon as they decide to have one
  • believes adventure comes in all shapes and sizes and can be found on their doorstep (its just a case of knowing where to look)
  • embraces the joys of nature
  • knows the journey can be as interesting as the destination
  • a seeker of wonder
  • a wonderment seeker (which wording do you prefer?)
  • loves to explore new places
  • expands the edges of their comfort zone
  • playful
  • experiments (without judgement!)
  • a detective
  • an explorer!
What else would you add? And as you know I'm a great believer in finding adventure on our doorstep. There is no need to go to far flung countries. You can even have an adventure in your lunch hour...

As I'm sure you've seen, my next course How to be a Creative Adventurer starts THIS Friday 01 September! So if you're feeling a bit stuck and know you'd like to be more curious, expand your comfort zone, be more playful (any of the above really!), then I'd love for you to join me and the super folks already on-board. It's going to be fun and you'll discover your own inner creative adventurer...and set her free!

I've just a few places left, so if this has your name on it you can book your place by clicking on the button below!
YES! I'd like a place!

Ready? If you've any questions - just ask. I'm here to help you and guide you on this next adventure. x

Toot Toot!


PS - Know someone you think would love this? Please pass it on! Thank you x

Monday 14 August 2017

[UK Islands Project] Skye is now on the menu

I've added another Island to my list of explorations for this year and it's the Isle of Skye.

After the recent news reports of Skye being chock full this summer, I'm really hoping that come November, it will be much quieter. I can't imagine that many people thinking that Skye is THE PLACE to go at that time of year?! (I could be wrong mind) Most of the B&Bs seem to close at the end of October and that, to me, is a good sign that we'll have Skye to ourselves (ish).

I'm going on a quest to see otters and might even get to see the Northern Lights. In fact I think I'll book both now...

What really drew me to visiting Skye wasn't actually the wildlife - it was food. I'm still quivering with excitement that I'm [Finally] going to the famous Three Chimneys restaurant. This is somewhere that I read about, gosh, must be well over 15 years ago, if not longer, in a copy of Good Food magazine and is no.17 on my 40/40 Project list. The minute I saw it in the magazine, I've wanted to go there...and now this year it's going to happen. I bet you've got some long held dreams too and you keep thinking, 'one day I'll do that or go there'..why not revisit these dreams and see if we can work together to start to make them happen? You might find joining my How to be a Creative Adventurer course a great place to start).

Since deciding to go [after umming and ahhing about it for months], Skye has already been popping up here and there...for example, looking at the map of Skye I'd spotted a few interesting things, The otter haven (YES otters!!), some fascinating sounding castles - one in particular called Eilean Donan, especially when I discovered it was where Highlander was filmed [I absolutely loved that film when I was a teenager. All together now...'There can be ONLY ONE'] and a memorial to someone called Flora MacDonald. 'Who's Flora MacDonald I thought to myself?'...well now, I went to Bookbarn, my favourite second hand bookshop, in search of some books on Crete and the Minoans (that's another story) and low and behold - guess what book should jump out at me.....;-) I love it when these things happen - what's happened for you recently when you've noticed some synchronicity?

Friday 11 August 2017

[UK Islands Project] The Island for August is...Bardsey

The next island I'll be visiting is.....Bardsey (Ynys Enlli).

No idea where Bardsey is? (Neither did I until I started this whole Island Adventure malarkey ;-) It's just off the coast of the Llŷn Peninsula in North Wales. Look at Anglesey on a map, then see that foot thing sticking out underneath...look at the tip of that...and there's Bardsey. Known as the "Island of 20,000 Saints," this island, has it's own king (who I'm looking forward to meeting) and also has Merlin holed up somewhere in a cave... oh I mustn't forget to take my letter from the pope with me...as it was once a hot spot for pilgrims (still is actually) and they'd be blessed by the Pope if they visited the island three times.

I've discovered that Ronald Lockely, founder of the first Bird Observatory in the UK and who lived on Skokholm Island (also a Welsh Island), where I went in July, visited Bardsey and I'm actually going to be staying in the very same house he did as that house is now the islands Bird Observatory. That, as you can imagine, excited me greatly!

I'll be creating Art Postcards when I'm there so Click here if you'd like to sponsor a unique art postcard from this special island. The postcard will be created just for you and posted to your door ;-)

I'll be sharing on Instagram and be sure to sign up to my newsletter for regular Creative Adventures if you're not signed up already. 

Saturday 5 August 2017

[UK Islands & 40/40 Project no.21] Skomer: Puffin Paradise

I’ve finally seen real live Puffins! They are even more fabulous than I could have imagined. So much character and charm. This also means that I've completed no.21 of my 40/40 Project. Getting up close to them is really a very special experience and one that is in reach of everyone - should you chose to do so of course - I'd really recommend it!

Skomer Island, exotic as it sounds, is in fact a small Welsh Island off the coast of Pembrokeshire. Reached by boat on a short 10 minute crossing in the Dale Princess, it was surrounded by mist when we arrived. For this Island Adventure, I was joined by fellow Puffineers; Alison, Rhian & Justina, who had been on my Lundy Island Retreat back in 2015. Sadly, Lisa couldn't join us - but she was there in spirit.

We stayed on the island for two nights in lodgings run and cared for by the Wildlife Trust of South & West Wales. It was a top notch and rather spiffing hostel, with a full kitchen, hot showers and spacious rooms. We four were all together and it was splendid (getting in some Enid Blyton type talk here) It was warm, clean and way better than I think any of us had expected. Result!

We had to take all the food and drink we needed with us as there is no shop on the island. Once you are on Skomer, well, you are there until the boat comes in a few days to take you off! We had quite a lot of stuff (including some of Rhian's infamous vodka jellies and lemon cake...)

From the minute we got close to Skomer we were absolutely surrounded by Puffins. They were EVERYWHERE! Our screams of excitement might of slightly unnerved the other passengers as at this point we didn’t know how many of them were serious/expert birders. We needn't have worried though as we were all equally as excited and for many it was also their first trip to Skomer.

We discovered that at this time of year (May) the whole Island is completely covered in a blanket of richly coloured bracken, bluebells and red campion. It was beautiful and totally unexpected. Very different to any of the other islands I'd visited so far. The plants were all rather tall so it's also a much more sheltered place.

Before we got to see our room and start to unpack one of the ruined buildings really caught my eye. Right opposite our hostel is a massive farmhouse with a slate front. I immediately started wondering...Who lived here? When did it become a ruin? What was life like here when it was a farm? What are the stories? Questions I've managed to answer by getting my hands on a copy a book by Roscoe Howells about the last farmers of Skomer....(not read it yet though).

Within minutes of unpacking and leaving the hostel we saw a short eared owl fly right past us. Apparently its normal to see them during the day here. Seeing owls wasn't something I'd been expecting. We saw that owl quite a few times during our stay, as well as a little owl. I'm not an expert birder by any means so a lot of the birds mentioned during the stay (pipit this and warbler that) I'd never heard of - it was an excellent place to discover new birds (to me) and learn about life on an island.

Each evening there is an event called 'Skomer Log' which everyone staying on the island is invited to attend. It's when all the wildlife of the island is logged and added to a data set that has been going since the Island became a bird sanctuary in 1959. (There is a really interesting fact sheet created by the Trust about the history of Skomer here). You don't have to be a birder or know much at all about wildlife to be a part of this and you'll come away having learnt some new, interesting and sometimes random things.

Night-time also means the Manx Shearwater walk - with red head torches and the most eerie of bird calls I've ever heard. It was like being in a horror film. The Manxies (sailors of old believed the cries of the Mollies, as they called them, to be the souls of those lost at sea) come in at night to avoid being eaten by the gulls. I have to say it's pretty vicious and each morning we'd see evidence of those that didn't make it.

Not a pleasant sight and something I certainly didn't get used to during our short visit. I guess that it's just the pure natural cycle and it's not all cute puffins and bunnies... Every night the Manxies face a real life and death situation just getting back to their burrows. Being out with them at night and feeling their wings skim your face as they call out in search of home is like nothing else I've ever experienced and another reason why staying over night on Skomer is a must.  There's a link below so you can hear the call of the manx shearwater for yourself. For the best experience close your eyes!

I really loved Skomer. It really tapped into something for me - I think the combination of the amazing colours, the puffins, the owls, the company (everyone was so friendly and we really did have the best time), going on the night-time adventures (want to hear the sound of a Shearwater? Click here), learning a bit about what it's like being a warden here and a long term volunteer, and the ruined farmhouse really was perfect - oh and after the mist cleared we had the most smashing weather.

It's a very special island and one I'll definitely be returning to.

Staying on Skomer
Skomer is Island no.5 of my UK Islands Project and we visited from 23-25 May. Skomer is looked after by The Wildlife Trust of South & West Wales and you can stay on the island at certain times of the year. Day trips are also possible, but I think if you can stay you'll get a more more interesting experience and more time when it's just you and the puffins. We went at the end of May which is a good time to see Puffins and to hear Manx Shearwaters as well as lots of other birds. If you are a member of the Trust you get two weeks priority booking which can be useful if you want to go on specific dates. Otherwise you call up the minute booking opens for everyone else and have three date options that you can go. If Yes then - You've got your accommodation sorted! Even the booking process is all rather exciting!

Before you go and book your own Skomer Adventure - couple more things to add about what's coming up...On the 17 August I'm running a Local Creative Adventure in Woodford, Somerset which you can book on to here...And on the 01 September my How to Be a Creative Adventurer Exploration will start. For more information on that and to book your place (only a small group of 15) go here. I've also updated my - Who is the Creative Adventurer page on my site so if we've not worked together yet - this will give you some more idea about me and well - who I am and what I know about Creative Adventuring!! Take a look here

Do let me know if you feel inspired to visit Skomer Island. Or any other islands around our coastline, there are quite a few to choose from after all!!

Pip Pip


Sunday 23 July 2017

[UK Islands Project] Half-way through & planning fatigue

I'm just over half-way through this year-long project and I've hit my 'planning peak' (have you experienced something similar?) and since June (after Avalon actually) have been suffering from planning fatigue. I've been feeling below par for a number of weeks and basically All Planned Out. 
Not so long ago I was not a planner at all, in fact even the words 'what's the plan'  would send a cold shiver down my spine, ugh. Since my Art Relief Volunteer Adventure I'd become a slight planning ninja and had been enjoying it - until hitting this peak. Time to stop. I didn't want to plan a single thing anymore. So I stopped. For a while at least.

I looked at what was coming up - a holiday to Snowdonia, followed in quick succession by two Islands - Anglesey then Skokholm and decided to let go and just see what that was like. Most of the planning had already been done for these trips so its wasn't as hard as I thought and it's helped me to figure out what things I like/need to have planned to lower my anxiety levels about stuff and what I'm not so bothered about. Its been really useful.

Only useful though by having taken the time to consider and notice what was going on and to ponder on it. How about you? Do you need to stop and reflect/consider something yourself? Just taking half-an-hour out and writing or doodling down your thoughts will help. Trust me.

Having made this discovery and figured out what to do about it, I'm feeling more perky about the rest of the project and also about the pieces of writing and artwork relating to each island I've yet to create. I've also had to make some other decisions which would have seen me feel stuck before as it meant changing my plans.

One island I’ve had to ‘carry-over’ is Caldey.* I had an email a few weeks ago to say that all retreats were to be cancelled due to the refurbishment of the retreat house. That was a blow, as I’d been especially looking forward to that Island experience. The one snippet I’ve managed to glean as to why it was closed is that the managers left rather suddenly so there was no one to run the retreat centre for the guests booked in for the rest of the year. Curious though so if you’ve any info of the exact details – do let me know!

I did consider visiting for the day on my way back from Skokholm last week, and had even packed my bivy bag with an idea to sleep overnight there, when it came to it though we didn’t get back from Skokholm until later than thought and I just felt rather worn out so decided I’d come straight home and save that Island for its proper exploration once the retreat house is open again. Next year hopefully.

This brings me to looking at what Islands I've actually explored so far, and what’s next.

Here’s the run down (some pictures at the bottom of this post)
  1. January - Isle of Portland - Tick!
  2. February - Isle of Sheppey (via the Tate) - Tick! 
  3. March - St. Agnes (Southernmost settlement of the UK) - Tick!
  4. April -   Lundy - Tick!
  5. May -    Skomer - Tick!
  6. June -   Avalon - Tick!
  7. July -    Anglesey Tick! & Skokholm Tick!
Still to come are:

August – Bardsey
September – Looe
October – Jersey & Kirrin Island (Yes, Really!)
November – Brownsea aka Red Squirrel Island
December – The Island of Reflection

I'll be creating art postcards from each island - so if you'd like one created just for you click here to sponsor one ;-)

Having reached my planning peak and worked out what helps me get through it (Stop, review & take intelligent action) I'm feeling positive and excited again about the rest of these Islands and the project in general. Toot Toot! Yes indeed - the spark is back ;-) Even writing this blog post to you has helped, so thank you. 

Each Island is Different

Each experience has been so different and each Island so rich with history – both social and natural that at the moment I don’t have one I love more than the others. Well, erm, that’s not strictly true. My first experience of seeing Puffins ("Look there are sooooo many F**king Puffins", I exclaimed excitedly as we arrived at Skomer) is very special, and not only did I get to hang out with Puffins on Skomer in May – I had the chance AGAIN on Skokholm just last week. That’s Skokholm – off the coast of Pembrokeshire, not in Sweden..(do go find it on a map). The Puffins and their Pufflings, yes their young chicks really are called pufflings, are set to depart any day now, in fact they’d already started to change their behaviour in readiness for their own ‘holidays’ out at sea whilst we were there. Skomer and Skokhom, two islands so close together and yet so totally different.

I’ve got some breathing space before my next Island (Bardsey in mid-August) to write up about these Island explorations and also create some artwork. I’m discovering that as each Island is different each medium I use for each will be different, something I think I’ve touched on before. Skokholm felt very textural – like an embroidery or tapestry piece was calling about to be created, although there was also a hint at a stained glass window as there is such a beautiful one in one of the compost toilets on the island! That could even be another project...Toilets with stained glass windows..or interesting toilets of the world...[Off on a tangent]

If you are already following along on social media (I post on Instagram mainly as I love the photo format) then you’ll have already seen pictures of these island explorations. If we aren’t connected yet – do come and say hello - @morwhennawoolcock

Coming up

Aside from UK Islands Project, I’ve a couple of other things coming up:

One this week (Thursday 27 July) – a Local Creative Adventure in Burrington Coombe – details here and I was interviewed on BBC Radio Bristol about these creative adventures – which you can listen to here – (my chat starts at around 1.25.40 (ish) before Amy Winehouse Valerie - which is what I've called my car! Valerie Volvo!! - spooky) then a there's bit about a lawnmower museum (interesting) - then it's me! Thanks to Becky Walsh for this.

Then starting in September is the ‘How to be a Creative Adventurer’ Exploration(course) I’ll be sharing more about this as I gear up to this over the next month. If you’ve any friends you think might benefit from discovering how a spot of Creative Adventuring can help them in their daily life – please do share it with them.

Bye for now!

Pip Pip


ps - can you tell which picture is from which island?

Saturday 10 June 2017

[UK Islands Project] Come say Hi!

The Glastonbury Labyrinth (one of a few in and around the area)

Is it really June? Seems more autumnal by the current weather situation, hope the rain isn't putting you off and you are still getting out and exploring - maybe taking part in the Wildlife Trusts 30 Days Wild challenge this month? The trusts are encouraging Random Acts of Wildness which I rather love! If you aren't already taking part - here's how you can : 30 Days Wild.

Next week I'll be at two events and thought you might be interested in coming along if you are in the area. Please do share with anyone you know who might also be interested. Thank you ;-)
Nature and Wellbeing Forum, Bristol 
The first is at Bristol Watershed on Tuesday 13 June as part of The Bristol Festival of Nature. This is a free event and I'll be talking about Creativity, Adventure & Nature for Wellbeing. Organised by Dr Sam Walton of Bath Spa University as a part of her research into Cultures of Nature and Wellbeing. Dr Sam has written a piece about the talk I was a part of last month which you can read about here if you are interested. 
Tuesday 13 June. Watershed, Bristol 13.30 – 18.00
Secondly at the next Local Creative Adventure exploration (run and guided by me) in Avalon on Thursday 15 June! (It'll be sunny. Hopefully)

Local Creative Adventure - Avalon

Thursday 15 June. Avalon (aka Glastonbury), 10.00 - 12.00
£10 Tickets
These little explorations are short morning sessions where each month we will explore a different part of the local area creatively. This means that we’ll be engaging with our surroundings in a curious and mindful way though creative exercises, collecting clues as we go.
Aimed at being little sparks of inspiration to gain insights and get your imagination flowing, these short sessions will help you with any blocks or challenges you are facing right now. If you are feeling stuck creatively or have some decisions to make or just need some time out of your day-to-day life then these little adventures will be helpful for you.
These aren’t drawing classes, although there will be some doodling and pencils involved.
No experience is necessary. Just an open mind and a willingness to try new things. To explore!
I’m keen to have small groups (8 places only) so that you really get the most from these Little Creative Adventures. Booking is essential.

All materials will be provided, although you might wish to bring your own notebook, camera (cameraphone is fine) and something to sit on.
Hope to see you at one of these events if you can make it (of course I know some of you live way too far away for these particular events - Hope to meet you at some point though!)

Toodle Pip!


Thursday 1 June 2017

[40/40 Project] No. 35 - Appear in a national magazine - Tick

Gosh, what an exciting few weeks here at Creative Adventurers HQ (i.e my small studio) to share with you. If we are connected on social media then you'll already know all about the fact that my article has been published in Psychologies Magazine and that I've been hanging out with real live Puffins on Skomer! (I *think* I met Zoltan - my adoptive Puffin...)

What I hadn't really shared in much detail is just how much writing this article and having it published in this particular magazine means to me. You see, when I was going through my severe depression/breakdown 6 years ago, I was in a very dark place, right at the pit of the black hole. I used to read Psychologies Magazine a lot. It helped.

At first I wasn't always actively carrying out the exercises that I'd read about....Until I discovered I had more control over my mental wellbeing than I realised (appreciate this isn't the case for everyone) and that I could in fact build a ladder to get out of the hole I'd fallen into (with help and support). Small steps forwards (with many backwards - akin to snakes and ladders actually!!) lots of explorations later and I'm here, writing this to you.

Going from someone who wasn't able to make decisions, crying at pretty much anything and completely shutting down physically and mentally to being able to walk into a shop and pick up a copy of Psychologies magazine to see that I've contributed to it is a really, really a big deal. And to think I nearly didn't send off my pitch in the first place...

This also means I've completed no.35 of my 40/40 project! Hurrah!

Your turn - Tell me about a time you've achieved something (or maybe you are in the middle of it now) that makes you feel proud of yourself? I'd love to hear from you x


ps. The article is in the July issue of Psychologies Magazine.
pps. The Island for June is....Avalon! Details on how to sponsor a postcard from this most magical (and yes, mythical) Isle here

Sunday 16 April 2017

[UK Islands Project] Don't be Scilly

The sand bar between St.Agnes and Gugh. The place on the island that I kept returning to

I've gotten the bug. The Isles of Scilly Bug

My short visit to St.Agnes last month has developed into a slight obsession with all things Scilly.

I stayed only three nights on St.Agnes and yet this Island trip felt as if I'd been away for months - such was the 'magic' of the place. 

It was all a bit hit and miss if I'd even get there as a number of flights had been cancelled that week due to the weather. I drove down to Cornwall the night before I was due to fly and there was hail and rain on a rather epic scale.

Wednesday dawned and so did the blue skies and the sunshine.

I knew then, in that instant that it was all going to be grand. Just grand

And it was. On so many levels

The people I met

The beauty of the place - the light, the colours the wildness

The tranquility

I loved it

With all the notes and photos I'm taking, boiling it all down to one blog post just isn't happening (as you may have noticed!) and I think this is, I expect, influenced by the fact that I am going to be writing all these Islands explorations into a book.

Seeing that my posts are random I've just added an Instragram feed to my blog as that's where I'm sharing more 'live' moments from these island adventures, so if you'd like a more interactive part in this project - instagram is the best place to follow me @morwhennawoolcock Do come and say hi! 

The next Island I'm visiting is Lundy. Would you like to receive a special art postcard from Lundy Island? Click here

Hanging out with The Old Man of Gugh. Going 'Off-peak' meant I had the whole Island to myself

Friday 7 April 2017

Up your courage

Have you done anything recently that you’d considered had ‘upped your courage?’

Or is there something you are thinking about doing that requires you to ‘up your courage?’

Do tell

I’d been thinking about how I could up my own courage recently and the thought came to me about giving talks, like, in public.

This is something that gives me the heebie-jeebies.

I really don’t relish the idea of being up there on a stage in front of people all looking at me.


I know that if I want to move forward with my ideas and plans for my Creative Adventures and to encourage others to either join me on mine or help them in creating their own, this is something I feel I need/and actually want to do.

Once I’d kind of decided this was something I was going to explore further a curious thing happened - An opportunity plopped right into my lap – almost the next day.

The charity, Creativity Works, who I work part-time for, have been in conversation with Bath Spa University and Dr Samantha Walton, Senior Lecturer in English Literature, about her current research programme on Nature and Wellbeing and this interested me greatly (as you can imagine).

I decided I also wanted to attend the event but with my ‘Creative Adventurer Hat on’ and so emailed Dr. Sam to ask if I could. I briefly explained my interest in the subject and pressed send.

Her reply was along the lines of ‘would you like to contribute to the talks? These can be between 5-15 minutes and involve an introduction to your work and interest in the theme.

First reaction was - YES!
then - ah but I'm not an expert or a professor or such
then - hmmm how will I be perceived by others there
then - what if I make a twit of myself
then - AGHHH I need to do this

Come on now I said to myself (and after sharing my fear in the mentoring group I’m in)

didn’t I ask for this?

So I replied

‘Yes Please – I’d love to do this, thank you for asking!’

Once I’d sent this reply I thought – YES! This is going to be great! Also feeling pleased that I'd 'felt the fear and done it anyway' (Not before having a slight panic that it was going to be in a massive lecture theatre with 100s of people staring at me) I checked and it will be a group of around 35, in a semi-circle and there will be cake.

Well I thought – If there is going to be cake – it’s all fine!

The event is taking place on the 8th May and there will be some very interesting speakers there. If you’d like to know more about it please follow this link: Cultures of Nature and Wellbeing

So do tell me about your own courage upping that you’ve been doing – or that you want to – maybe I can help you to take that next step?

Monday 20 March 2017

[UK Islands Project] A Letter from the Pope

Yes, you read that correctly. I have a letter from the Pope (and a gift!)

Well, OK it wasn’t sent from him exactly but it came from the Vatican and his office!

Hang on a minute I bet you're thinking – How, why?

'zzzuuuup' rewind to December 2016 (just after Christmas and before New Year) and I’m leafing through a copy of Country Walking magazine and come across a small article about Bardsey Island. I knew that Bardsey is also known as the 'Island of 20,000 saints', but what I didn’t know was that during medieval times when pilgrimages were all the rage (have you heard – they are becoming popular again) three visits to Bardsey Island was equal to one pilgrimage to Rome and any pilgrims that went to Bardsey were blessed by the Popes of Rome!

Right then, I thought. Best write to the Pope then seeing as I’m visiting Bardsey in August.

Quick as you like I penned a letter (and added a little drawing of a wren) to His Holiness Pope Francis – and posted it off to the Vatican (before I changed my mind). 

I thought about the letter now and again wondering if it had arrived…

Then last week…

I had a reply!

Tell you what, I was so excited!

[side note: This is beside the fact that I’m not a Roman Catholic or really of any particular religious persuasion. I did note this in my letter and had checked beforehand that anyone at all can write to the Pope. I didn’t wish to cause any offence. I made sure I addressed it properly too]

What was inside? There was a lump of something!

I was flabergasted when I opened the envelope and discovered its contents...
  • letter from the Pope
  • photo of the Pope
  • photo of a 13th century painting of the Nativity
  • a rosary!! 
  • and a card saying all 'blessed by His Holiness Pope Francis'


I really do feel rather chuffed.

I'll take these with me to Bardsey. I’m only planning one trip though not three (don’t tell the Pope!) *big smile*

Have you ever written to someone that caused you great excitement when you received a reply? 

Or who would you write to? This could be anyone – someone who inspires you, someone you wish to thank or someone you just want to say hello to...

Receiving a real to goodness letter in the post is so lovely and can create skips of happiness!

Now I’m currently trying to think of an Island related reason to write to the Queen, as I’ve never written to her before….

Tuesday 14 March 2017

[UK Islands Project] Off to the southernmost settlement of the UK

Blimey, I'm off to my third Island next week! Not sure about you but time seems to be wizzing by at the moment and lots of things are happening all around and about. Have you noticed the evenings drawing out, the bird song and the abundance of new shoots on plants and trees? And the daffodils! Ah the lovely nodding daffodils (Happy St. David's and St. Pirian's Day by the way!)

Right - then so....the next island is..

...'Drum Roll'

St. Agnes!

This small island, part of the Isles of Scilly, is the UK's Southernmost settlement – at 49°53′N 6°20′W (I'll be sure to find this point!) 

I'm flying from Land's End airport and will be returning by boat. I've been in touch with the skipper of 'The Spirit of St.Agnes' and they will be waiting for me at the harbour once I land on St. Mary's to take me across to the island.

I have no idea how many others will be on the boat with me as I'm going 'off-peak,'  there might not be very many - there is only one boat a day. 

This is my first trip to these islands and after looking at each island that make up The Isles of Scilly, I decided to focus on one this trip as I'm only going for a few days. I've learnt already from my two previous Island Hops that I need plenty of time just to 'sit and stare' so hoping to get the balance right on this island adventure!! 

I chose St.Agnes as it is the Southernmost settlement of the UK and so by default it has the southernmost Post office and southernmost Pub! The Turk's Head (I hope it's open!!) It also has lots of interesting creatives and stories to discover. I'm hoping I'll find what the 'Spirit of St.Agnes' is...

I'm also keen to find out why folks from St.Agnes have the nickname (old) of Turks. Any ideas?

As with the other islands visited so far (Portland and Sheppey - still so much to write and share about these trips) I'll be creating one-off art postcards from this island hop - If you'd like a special postcard created for you and posted from this Southernmost part of the UK - sign up here!

This will be the first island I'm visiting for this project that doesn't have a road to it, so the weather is much more important a factor than my two previous trips...

Lets see what happens...

Have you ever visited The Isles of Scilly? If you have - tell me about your adventures there!

Bye for now!
