Busy, busy being creative..!

Mini Doodleicious Exploration

Can Doodling Change Your Life? 

Yes, I think it can. 

2020 dates to be announced

Doodling or Free style Drawing isn't a dirty word or a waste of time as mounting research shows how beneficial it actually is for us. From helping us to relax and reduce stress to being more focused and retain more information by improving memory. Bet you weren't expecting that were you!?

I’d say that’s pretty darn cool and useful – wouldn't you? And even if you aren't a doodler –it’s never too late to start. 

I've been taking my doodles to the next level and using them specifically to gain insights into challenges I’m facing by using a technique I've created and developed which really gets right to my subconscious mind – totally bypassing my mind chatter. It's helped me on so many levels and I'd now like to share this with you. See it as a tool you can add to your well-being toolkit.

I also use it as a form of mediation as it really helps me to totally relax and to relieve pressure. 

I also find with my doodling technique a story unfolds. I've been using this particular doodling technique for a while now and I guess you could call it Intuitive Doodling.

The online course is split into three parts

Part 1 - Warm up. Fun exercises to loosen up
Part 2 - Explore - we'll start looking more at what our doodles are telling us
Part 3 - Deeper Doodling - We'll focus on Doodle Stories and Circle of Self techniques 

TICKETS! £35.00

WOW that's very reasonable? How come? 

I want this to be as accessible to as many people as possible as a tool you can add to your wellbeing toolkit.

By signing up I’ll share my personal technique with you and for 30 days you’ll receive a daily prompt sent directly to your inbox. Don't worry - you don't need to do every single days on that day. There will be time available within the course for you to explore your doodles.

Its fun with friends so please do share with your friends and anyone else you think could benefit from taking this mini doodleicious exploration!!! The more doodlers we have taking part the better! 

There will also be a private facebook group so you'll have a safe place to share your daily doodles as well as what you learn about yourself and insights as the exploration unfolds.  Sound good?

2020 dates to be announced and as the title suggests as these are doodles – they are meant to be done freely and can be as fast or as slow as you would like. You don't need any previous drawing experience either. 

Want to discover how doodling can help you?

YES I want to go on a mini doodleicious exploration!

Here’s an interesting article about the power of doodling and a piece I wrote about Why Bother Doodling

Love and creative doodles



To secure your place on the next Mini Doodleicious Exploration sign up here:

Mini Doodlicious Exploration £35.00

What do previous Doodleicious Explorers say about this course?

When I asked my lovely doodle explorers what did you enjoy most about this exploration? Some said:
  • Looking forward to each day's challenge and wondering what fun task it will be.
  • Knowing that a doodle doesn't have to take long and doesn't have to be perfect.
  • Permission to try doodling!
  • It's just been great fun. It's interesting to see other people's ideas and I haven't felt that my efforts were inferior even though technically some of them really were!

"My creativity has come in fits and starts over the last 32 years. It has felt like pushing against a big door with very rusty hinges - a big old struggle. We are on day 6 and already there is a change.

Last night I was watching my favourite film when I was hit by an overwhelming urge to draw/doodle/colour. I haven't felt that strong an urge for 32 years and it felt amazing! Thank you Morwhenna Woolcock for putting the match to my little fire. x" Rachael Greenland, Textile Artist


“The moment I saw this course advertised I thought Yes! That will be fun, that will loosen me up, it's a bargain. I was not disappointed. It's been a brilliant challenge full of laughs and surprises, so well done!” Mina Sassoon - Mindfulness Teacher


"It's quite meditative and revelatory, not necessarily both at the same time. I'm really enjoying the course!" - Clare Barry


If you want to see one doodlers video of one of the exercises go here. NOTE 
ps. no drawing skills are actually required for this doodle adventure! ;-)


Jayne Dennett-Lewis shared 3 things she’d discovered on our Doodleicious journey: 

1. Doodling is more fun in colour, the brighter the better! 

2. Doodling can help me focus & concentrate or it can totally distract me & help me relax - both can be useful!
3. I am more creative than I thought, despite my lack of talent in some areas! 


Some examples of what's been created on previous courses

So what's stopping you? Sign up today for a fun-filled October x 



Do I need any artistic ability?

Can you hold a pencil and make marks on paper? Are you up for experimenting and being curious? Then you already have artistic ability. You don’t need to be able to draw a still life if that's what you are thinking. ;-)

What format does the course take?

This is an online course that is spread over 30 days and comes in three parts. Part 1 -Warm-up, Part 2 - Explore & Part 3 - Deeper Doodling. You’ll be sent a daily email direct from me to you which will contain a daily exercise. These will be in a mix of video, audio and text formats and will vary in length. Some quick – taking a few minutes – others longer depending on how much time you want to spend on them. We’ll have a private Facebook Group to share creations & experiences and I’ll be on hand daily to support you.

How much time a day to I need to spend on this course?

The course is structured it so that during the week the exercises last up to 10 mins - if that. For example one might be doodle to a piece of music. That track could be 2 mins long so you'd be done that fast. The things you think/notice in response to the exercises could pop up later on that day or even later that week! So it'll be good to take note of those moments.

Over the weekends the exercises will be slightly longer. These range from 30 mins to 2 hours – It will be up to you how long you want to spend on these. Previous participants have found that they’ve wanted to repeat the exercise a few times. That’s up to you. You can split these longer exercises up so don't have to do it all in one sitting. These are mostly the circle of self and doodling stories exercises as they hold the possibility for deeper insights which you’ll be turning into actions. 

Reflection time is also built into the structure of the course.

What materials do I need?
  • A sketchbook (I like the ones that are spiral bound - its your doodle book though so choose something you like) or loose sheets of paper
  • Some old magazines
  • Pencils
  • Pens – biros, fineline (optional), a black marker e.g Sharpie
  • Colouring tools – e.g colour pencils, felt tip pens (at least three colours). Poster paints or watercolours are optional.

All of these items can be bought cheaply from places like The Works, Wilco or children’s supply shops like Early learning centre etc. You don’t need anything expensive. Just a few supplies that encourage you to create. Going out and getting these can be a part of the fun! 

You might want to get a few supplies before we start if you don’t already have some. By all means start with what you have and decide during the course. You might find yourself thinking ‘actually I rather fancy trying out some water colours or some felt-tip pens’!  If you do - Go for it! This is an Exploration after all!

If there is anything I haven’t covered – drop me a line and I’ll respond to your question as soon as possible. ;-)

I'm READY - Sign me up!



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