Busy, busy being creative..!

Saturday, 1 February 2014

What does The Land of Self Belief look like?

I deserve to be,
I want to be,
I can be,
I will be,
I am.
This month I'm going to explore Belief in Self
This is a new approach for me having a monthly theme to guide me. I'm curious to see how this will impact on this new month as it unfolds in front of me and where it will take me. I do love an adventure (as I'm sure you might know!) 
Also this fits under my words for 2014 - Exuberant and Abundant. As I shared in a previous post one of the things Exuberant means to me is confidence. And confidence in self and having that self belief. 
So I'm donning my *explorer* hat and setting off on a new Creative Adventure into this land....What will I find? What treasures will be unearthed?
What does the land of Self-Belief look like?
Well for a start, I reckon it will be full of people doing AMAZING things...like this! (LOVE THIS!)

Thank you pinterest for this image! This is Johanna QuaasA German gymnast who proves age is no barrier to sporting achievement by being named the world's Oldest Gymnast at the age of 86 in 2012. 
There is a lovely interview with her and footage of her in action. F**KING AMAZING!

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