Busy, busy being creative..!

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Lundy 2016 – Your invitation to join the adventure!

This June I’ll be returning to the magical Lundy Island to run another Creative Adventure and this is your invitation to join me.

After the success of last years I honestly did hesitate slightly in running it again as I knew it would be a different experience. Those pesky ‘What ifs’ were getting in the way (I’m not immune to these, it’s how you deal with them that makes all the difference) I stopped and I asked myself ONE question ‘how would I feel at the end of 2016 if I hadn’t run it? There was my answer. YES Of COURSE I‘d love to do it again and take four ladies with me! How can I not?

Will one of those ladies be you? 

Note: Chaps I’m sorry. As the Lighthouse is on a shared room basis this trip is a ladies only affair. If you’d be interested in future trips – please let me know so I can consider different places to stay.

How does spending two nights in a lighthouse on a small island off the coast of Devon, exploring, creating, laughing, being inspired, having time to yourself with no distractions and adventuring with like minded people sound to you? You may also glimpse some Puffins…

As you may know I have a love of Famous Five books (and Nancy Drew) so think of this as a Famous Five style Adventure (can’t promise any mad professors mind!) 

If by this point you are jumping about and clapping your hands then you’ll know this is right for you. 

If a part of you is quietly saying YES – oh I’d LOVE to do this ….but…I’m not creative enough….It’s a bit out of my comfort zone…I’m not sure I’d like sharing a room…stop for a moment and listen to the Yes. Does that little spark need listening to this time? You’ll know.

You don’t need any drawing skills or previous artistic experience. This trip isn’t about learning to draw. We’ll of course be doing fun creative explorations – like doodling (if you’ve done any of my courses you’ll have a feel for how I work already) it’s totally about experimenting, exploring, enjoying the environment (it's very different to the mainland) and the company of like-minded people in a small friendly and supported group. Having time to figure some stuff out in a creative way!

What’s included?

  • Two nights accommodation in a shared room in the Old Lighthouse Upper (glorious sea views)
  • Return Boat ticket on board the MS Oldneburg (sailing will either be from Ilfracombe or Bideford – I’ll know nearer the time)
  • Art materials, paper and anything else required for our creative adventures
  • 6 Creative Adventures spread out over the three days (some as a group some individual)
  • Two 45 mins private coaching sessions* with me. (valued at £100)
  • Food. Whilst at the self-catering accommodation will be supplied, prepared and joyfully cooked by me. It will be local, fresh & organic (where possible) and meat free (note: Option to eat at the fabulous local Tavern will be at your own cost)
  • Tea, coffee, fruit juices and some celebratory bubbles....!
  • Fun!
  • Time to stretch yourself – mentally and if you wish physically. The island is surprisingly big when you walk around it.
Being on Lundy gives you the opportunity to change the lens of how you are looking at your life. Use it as a time for a Life Audit, as a time for fresh inspiration, as a time to pause and consider which direction you want to take next. How often do you give yourself this kind of time, freedom and support to do just that? Plus of course it'll be Fun with a capital F!! Did I mention there'd be Ginger Beer?

*Coaching Sessions - One will be whist we are on the island and one as a follow up within 6 months of the trip.

Dates: June 21-23 2016

How much for this Creative Adventure?  

The total cost for this Creative Adventure is £395 

As there are only four places available a £100 deposit will secure your place. 
Payment is by bank transfer – so if you’d like to secure your place today please let me know and I’ll send you the booking details.

If you are thinking YES but have some questions – please drop me a line! 

I’m already excited and looking forward to Lundy and this year’s Creative Adventure! 

Toot Toot!

Love & Exploration


Here are some photos from last year’s trip and if you’d like to read about that adventure please go here – Five Go To Lundy. 

Here’s what the 2015 'Puffineers*'  had to say about the Adventure:

"Morwhenna inspires with brilliant adventurers and gives opportunities to really question yourself in a fun, safe group of supportive fellow artists & puffineers! Had the best fun."
Rhian Wyn Harrison, Illustrator


"A delightful combination of holiday, inspiration, freedom and creative fun with a lasting impact of new directions and happy memories. I would do it again tomorrow!"
Alison Stephenson, Costumier


"I came needing space to rediscover me – needing to re-connect with my first love, photography. Needing to get some clarity on my work as an artist and on balancing aspects of my life and integrating them. 
And thanks to The Creative Adventurer and the magic of Lundy, I have!"
Lisa Tregenza, Textile Artist


"Windy, Wild, Friendly, Sheep. Had some lovely Creative Adventurers in our brief time here. Hoping to spy some puffins today and adventure some more!" 
Justina Hart, Novelist & Poet

- a person who goes looking for puffins and creative adventures on Lundy Island.

Please note – I can’t guarantee we’ll arrive by helicopter this time!  Sorry!

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