Busy, busy being creative..!

Monday, 9 January 2023

UK Islands Project Update: Looe Island - Episode 2

Hello! I'm back with another update - later than I'd planned, [I actually started writing this last November!] 

If you are subscribed to my YouTube channel [thank you!], you might have already seen this video - so feel free to skip watching it again :-D.

If this is all new to you - settle in for a few minutes for me to share the projects updates with you - and as the film references - a few other things that have happened I've included some additional notes below...

I failed to film another update before Christmas, so will be doing an update this week as there have been some exciting things to share. ;-D

Additional Notes relating to the update video:

Luke Jerram's Gaia at Wells Cathedral

Have you seen this or his moon artworks? I FINALLY got to see the world, which was made really impressive by its location. It's on permanent tour, and you can see if it's going to be coming to you by visiting the website here: my-earth.org/

My sister and I didn't spend that long there, as we were on route to the Wells Literary Festival - which I'd fully recommend. It's been going for 30 years, and yet, this was the first time I'd even been. I managed to secure lunch tickets for us before the event with Kate Humble, and our timing was perfect as we actually ended up sitting on the same table as her along with 4 other women. That was fun and relaxed, it was great having the opportunity to ask Kate about her next projects and if she has any particular process - which she does - but running a small holding, she finds it near impossible to stick to - so it's very much more about grabbing the time to write when she can! 

You can find out more about Kate and what courses they're running here: www.katehumble.com. I was really inspired by her determination and fighting spirit. How she gets stuck right in to whatever she is doing. I've got her 'Thinking on my Feet' book to read, and my sister kindly bought be a copy of Kate's new cookbook for my birthday - I've already made a few recipes from it, and they've all been delicious so far. Happy 'Tasty' Days!

TedEx Bath

An excellent event and all the speakers are now available online to watch on YouTube: [Search for TedExBath 2022]: 

The speakers I really enjoyed and learnt from included:

From Art to AI: Robots Are For Everyone | Ruby Sant | TEDxBath

What If You Could Do Anything? | AliƩnor Salmon | TEDxBath

Children Can Do More Than You Think | Max Woosey | TEDxBath

Speakers list from 2022 - There is lots of interesting and inspiring content here: www.tedxbath.co.uk/speakers

Details for this year's event will be published on their website here: www.tedxbath.co.uk/

World Textiles Day:


Janice Gunner Textile Artist:



Until next time!

Happy Creative Adventuring



Just a few of the photos I took of Luke Jerram's Gaia at Wells Cathedral.

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