Busy, busy being creative..!

Thursday 5 March 2015

The 40/40 Project. No.9 Take Part in the Sketchbook Project

The Mobile Library - Sketchbook Project Style

Today I signed up to take part in The Sketchbook Project.

The Sketchbook Project is a crowd-sourced library of over 32000 artists' books from 135+ countries. I can’t recall when I first heard about this but I reckon it was a good few years ago. I’d loved the idea but never seriously considered actually taking part until I started to put the 40/40 list together. It was one of those things that had been popping up in my thoughts on occasion and so I thought - OK now is the time. 

I made sure I knew when the next sign ups would be so that I wouldn't miss it and also have the most time to complete it. Signing up today means that once I have my book I’ll have until 31 March 2016 to complete it and send it back to them for cataloging. It will also be part of the 2016 Summer Tour!! How cool is that! As you can tell, I’m rather excited!

Here’s the blurb from their website:

“We are an independent Brooklyn-based company that organizes global, collaborative art projects. Our flagship endeavor is The Sketchbook Project, a crowd-sourced library that features 32,087 artists' books contributed by creative people from 135+ countries. Brooklyn Art Library is our storefront exhibition space in the heart of Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY where The Sketchbook Project collection is on view to the public.

The Sketchbook Project began in 2006 in Atlanta, GA and moved to New York City in 2009. Since that time, our small organization has grown into a worldwide community of more than 70,000 artists. By focusing on the intersection of hands-on art making and new technology, The Sketchbook Project nurtures community-supported art projects that harness the power of the virtual world to share inspiration in the real world.”

Today is step one in being part of it.  I've not chosen a theme yet, but will do once the options for 2016 are listed. I decided to go for the full version which has the option for all the pages to be digitized to so anyone in the world can access the sketchbook once it’s been uploaded. Even though it will be online I still plan on taking a trip to New York to actually visit the library and see my contribution among all the others. Not sure when that will be...

I’m very grateful to my friends C & R who decided this was what they wanted to give me for my birthday. THANK YOU! It’s going to be a gift that lasts a very, very long time and one I’m very excited about starting….just as soon as the sketchbook arrives!

Just look at all those sketchbooks! Filled with ideas & inspiration
Do you fancy joining in too?

I have no affiliation with this project – so think its ok to share this with you - I found a promotional code that gives a $13 discount.  I used this today so it worked for me, I have no idea how long it is valid for. The code is CRAFTSTERBUDDIES and here’s a link to where I found the code if you want to use it or see if there are any better deals. 

Do let me know if you sign up too. It would be lovely to know a group of us are all sketching away together - maybe we could include some messages that you can only read if all the books are together? OOh that's just given me an idea! And who knows, maybe we’ll go on a Creative Adventure to New York and see then in the Art library in Brookly – or maybe see them on tour?! 

Have a super evening!



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