Busy, busy being creative..!

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

A Creative Adventurer is.....(complete the sentence)

A Bardsey Island Shell. Photograph by Morwhenna Woolcock

What did you think when you read...A Creative Adventurer is...?

I was thinking about this the other day and started to jot down a list..

Here's what I put..(in no particular order)

A Creative Adventurer / is...
  • curious
  • mindful
  • relishes new experiances
  • follows the 'crumbs of curiosity' 
  • sees things from a different perspective
  • notices the small things
  • savors the moment
  • makes time for sitting and looking
  • knows an adventure can begin as soon as they decide to have one
  • believes adventure comes in all shapes and sizes and can be found on their doorstep (its just a case of knowing where to look)
  • embraces the joys of nature
  • knows the journey can be as interesting as the destination
  • a seeker of wonder
  • a wonderment seeker (which wording do you prefer?)
  • loves to explore new places
  • expands the edges of their comfort zone
  • playful
  • experiments (without judgement!)
  • a detective
  • an explorer!
What else would you add? And as you know I'm a great believer in finding adventure on our doorstep. There is no need to go to far flung countries. You can even have an adventure in your lunch hour...

As I'm sure you've seen, my next course How to be a Creative Adventurer starts THIS Friday 01 September! So if you're feeling a bit stuck and know you'd like to be more curious, expand your comfort zone, be more playful (any of the above really!), then I'd love for you to join me and the super folks already on-board. It's going to be fun and you'll discover your own inner creative adventurer...and set her free!

I've just a few places left, so if this has your name on it you can book your place by clicking on the button below!
YES! I'd like a place!

Ready? If you've any questions - just ask. I'm here to help you and guide you on this next adventure. x

Toot Toot!


PS - Know someone you think would love this? Please pass it on! Thank you x

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