Busy, busy being creative..!

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Popping up in the Pop-up shop

Me & Bryony at the Paper Scissors Stone Pop-up shop Vol II

Heck it's all been rather busy past few days - and it's only Tuesday!! So a little update..

Had a great meeting with the lovely Bryony yesterday at the Paper Scissors Stone pop up shop as I'll be there from the 02 August - 25 September at  Vol III - Whoo Hoo!

Shame I've got my eyes closed in the pic - but hey ho. It will be in the same place it is now (right by Raymond Blanc's place in Quaker Friars. LAUNCH PARTY - 01 August!! will let you know more details when I do! ;-) 

So many talented people here in Vol II - so do check out their lovely things!


Have also been getting more requests for application forms to 'take part' in my photo shoot. Been getting some really interesting peeps - keep them coming please! 

Have also sold my 'Life's an Adventure' piece! and had request for another already. So double excitement there!

(sorry - are the !! getting too much?)

umm oh yes I now have a twitter account - @BagsofLove4 - so do follow me (if you want to that is!!) 

Fun thing is I tweeted about my project - Guides 2 Bristol re-tweeted it in a matter od seconds and a few minutes later I got my first request via twitter. cool.

Went a bit 'Facebook' Crazy - posting all over the place - some lovely people letting me post on their pages - Like Toby Asiam at TruthJuice Bristol - Thank you Toby! They host loads of interesting events. - Check them out here: 


Dropped Banksy an email too - thought he might be interested in taking part..No reply yet.

And this evening - I've just had another idea...the See No Evil graffiti gig is in Bristol from 13 August for a week. sooo I've just contacted them (well Inkie) to see if I can take some of my bags down and get them 'graffiti-ed' during the event. Then either sell them at the Pop-Up Shop or auction them off - or something!! That would be rather cool eh? Any one know anyone that can put me in touch with someone...??

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