Busy, busy being creative..!

Friday, 6 January 2023

The Magical Animal for 2023

It took me a while to settle on a Magical Animal for 2023 until 'Lightbulb Moment' and it was my own cat, Timmy, who seemed to 'step up' to the role. Seeing that Timmy is such a confident character, he was able to impart some words of wisdom when I asked him about cultivating confidence....

"The way to confidence is by doing the doings. So go do."

He's wise is Timmy, as he knows that taking actions and 'doing the doings' helps to build confidence. It's part of The Confidence Cycle. There's an interesting article here about some research behind this:How taking action and failing often will increase your confidence.

TimmyCat also said he’d like to appear in Times Square 😆 - you know on a billboard all lit up like!! / told you he was confident! :-D

As a New Year's gift, I'll send out a Magical Animal postcard [for free] to the next THREE people who sign up to my newsletter [link is in the panel on the right handside]- pls let me have your name and address, and I'll write you a little message and post one to you as soon as they arrive from the printers.

If you aren't one of the lucky three this time - I'm also selling postcards if you'd like to have some for yourself and send to your friends and family who might appreciate a little boost for the year ahead. 

You can pre-order a pack now if you'd like to, ;-D I'll be selling them in packs of 3 for £3 or 5 for £5 plus £1.50 for p&p. If you're interested, please send me a message with how many postcards you'd like, your address, and I'll send you a payment link. Thank you! 

AND there will also be MUGS!! I'm having a few made up in different colours as a test - and seeing that I've already had an order for one, will also be offering these too. I'll share more details of these once the samples have arrived and can share photos of the different colours - which are - Yellow, Pink [pictured below], Blue and Green.

As I'll be getting these printed on demand, I'll need to have a certain number ordered before I can place the order, so there might be a bit of a delay before you receive your mug as they aren't something I'll keep in stock here. I'll keep you fully updated and hope that you understand this way of working!

My your year ahead be filled with wonder and creativity and the confidence to go after those dreams of yours.

Morwhenna x

Screen shots of mug samples I'm having made up.

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