Busy, busy being creative..!

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Reduce Month - Bits, Bobs & £60

I've been really busy the past week running the Connect to Nature course - with my good friend Jaimie. I'm loving it! Ah it is so wonderful seeing everyone who's taking part creating and sharing. ;-)

So that has meant that I have some catching up to do on my 'reducing' and here it is. Some items I just don't know what to do with. Please put forward any suggestions!

It would be very easy just to chuck it all in the bin and be done with it - but can I re-purpose anything? Or is there someone who would benefit/like what I have? Can I sell any of it?

Each item here, whatever it's size, has been made using resources. Trees, ink, oil, care, time...to name just a few and I don't want them to just end up in landfill without having a darn good think/come up with alternative uses - first. 

These items have been hidden away in a few of my storage boxes that I use for keeping sewing/art and anything else..

Here's the collection:

In the white envelope I discovered I had £30 worth of Debenhams vouchers...which I'd been given for my Birthday by my parents - a few years a go I think - as they gave me a box of Cornish pasties last year! That has to have been one of my fav. presents ever!! 

And in the card with the berries is £30 worth of garden vouchers. Again from my parents some Christmases ago.  I think I hadn't spent them as I was saving them for something I really wanted - and so put them somewhere safe...!  So now I will spend these (that's an easy one! - although not on clothes ...as I'm still running my Love What You Wear Project! 

There is also a camping guide from 2007 - anyone want that? recycle that?
And a programme and postcard from the very funny 'Caravan Gallery'. I think I know what I'll do with them! I'll send the post card to a friend and make cards from the programme...

Then there's the earings. 

I LOVED these little bird earings when I was given them one Christmas and wore them all the time. But the enamel started to come off - and I haven't known what to do with them So they have sat in a box.. Any ideas?

I bought this silver marquisette ring from the Swansea Antiques Centre many years ago (no idea how many!) I Loved it, wore it lots, but the little marquisette stones started to fall away. It is a replica rather than a proper 'antique.' Question is - Can I get it made into something else?

Here's how it looks at the moment! I'll add some more and then varnish it...;-)

I have decided what to do with this wooden heart though. This was a lovely gift from one of the ladies at Neal's Yard when I went to the conference a few years back. This was made by someone  - somewhere - so I've decided to decorate it for a niece and send it to her as a gift.

so what's left?

Ah yes The Little Book of Sleep and a pin badge for Portishead...



  1. You are doing well finding stuff! Like me, it's what do you do with it, rather than adding to landfill. The necklace looks lovely!

  2. I remember that camping guide! I had it too, for a good number of years. I wonder if it is still lurking in a cupbaord somewhere. I'd convert the little birds into a brooch to wear on a coat or jacket.
