I had planned to share a lot more before we actually got into 'Launch Week', yet there’s been so much to do that suddenly I’m running out of time. Taking product photos, making short animations and creating listings is a L-O-N-G job…
Thank YOU for being with me along the way.
I am slowly getting through all of my tasks [alongside my part-time job] and I’m actually rather enjoying it. Some are small satisfactions such as FINALLY being able to use the lovely piece of branch I picked up years ago, because as a prop, it's perfect for hanging owls from! [see below].
But this has meant that some things haven't happened yet, such as the emotive piece that I'm writing to describe what inspired me about the Isle of Portland and how this translated into the collection I'm sharing with you. Actually - I'll tell you a bit right now. It doesn't have to be a long winded essay does it? I wanted to evoke the feeling of the place, but I'm guessing that you'd like it short and snappy - you're busy and you can always read a longer piece later...
So, here we go - The Isle of Portland is an intriguing place that has been quarried since Roman times. Portland Stone, a type of limestone, can be admired on the United Nations HQ in New York, St. Paul's Cathedral in London and the big shop in central Bristol that looks like a ship [now a Primark].
Due to the amount of quarries, most of Portland isn't actually there! The marks left on the landscape, which would have originally been made by hand using a chisel and hammer, made me think of the marks made when creating a linocut print. That was the first spark. Add to that the fact that before starting this project I'd decided that, where possible, I'd use the tools, art materials and fabrics that I already had. This was another element to the Island theme as a lot of Island life is about using what you have to hand and making and mending. That's where this collection began.
I'm still beavering away with putting everything together for Thursday and everything will be 'live' from 12.00am in my Folksy Shop for you to see first, as promised.
OK, back to my listings and see you again soon!!
Note to self - next time I start a launch, at least I'll have a better idea of how much time I'll really need! I have another 13 Islands to go after this one...
The marks left on the Portland landscape reminded me of the way linocuts are made, and became the basis of my collection inspired by the Isle of Portland.
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