Busy, busy being creative..!

Friday, 4 November 2016

UK Islands Project - Making Progress

'Hanmers' on Lundy Island. Copyright MGW Sept 2016


As you may already know my next Creative Adventure is all about islands, specifically islands around the UK, you know - those lumps of land you see off the coast as you shielded your eyes from the sun, but rarely actually go and explore? This has been true for me anyway. From 2017 this is set to change as I embark on an adventure to visit at least one island a month for the year. More if I can manage it, totally depends on time and funds to do so. 

I actually have a list of 60 Islands at the moment but am fully aware there are in fact 267 inhabited Islands and over 2,000 uninhabited islands or just bits of rock around our shores. I worked out the other day that if I stick to one Island a month and just visit all 267 inhabited Islands I'll be 64 by the time I complete this project. Heck I thought, 64! After an initial freak out I went back to my list of 60 and thought - so what if it takes me that long? And made my goal achievable by deciding to make a start with one Island a month. 

I want to explore each Island and get to know its character as well as the people that live and work there. I want to discover how the island has inspired artists, writers, musicians..and then I will create something myself in response to that Island.  

So far I've booked six islands to stay on. Hurrah!!

These are: Lundy (yes this will be my third visit!), Skomer, Skokholm, Bardsey, Looe & Jersey. 

Ideally I want to stay at least one night on each Island I visit as I don't think you can really get a sense of its character and the people that live there in just a day visit. This, however, might involve camping. This is not so good as after my experience in the peak district earlier this year I had to admit to the fact that I'm not a camper anymore (unless I have a cosy bed to sleep in). This pained me to admit. So I'll either need to harden up or look at sleeping in a hammock. This could be tricky as a lot of these islands appear to be treeless. Hmmm. 

I'm keen to run a Creative Adventure on at least one Island I visit next year (like Lundy 2015) so if there are any you'd particularly like to join me on, or would in fact like to partner with me to run such an adventure - let me know. I'd love to hear from you. I'm keen to encourage others to join me and be a part of this great expedition around our shores to these miniature lands to uncover their treasures!

I'll also be offering my unique postcards again as part of this adventure so look out for details about that if you liked them from my B2M adventure last year. ;-)

Bye for now & Happy Adventuring!


ps - Have you got an adventure you long to go on and need some encouragement? drop me a line and lets see how I can help you. x Think BIG - Start Small x


  1. Hey Morwhenna, I love your new adventure! Are you just doing England, Wales, Isle of Man, Scotland, etc. or are you including Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland? Visiting all the smaller islands off the Republic would be a project in itself! x Nancy

    1. Thank Nancy! Well initially was just looking around as you say, England, Scotland, Wales & Cornwall - but as Craggy Island of Father Fed fame is on my list - which is in Ireland then yes to those Irish Islands too! Will see how I feel at the end of the year after visiting at least 12 Islands! ;-P
