Busy, busy being creative..!

Friday, 29 August 2014


Photo taken at Cheddar Gorge  © morwhenna woolcock

I've been in rather a reflective space this week as a dear friend of mine came to stay who after living in the UK for over 13 years is moving back to her home town of Leipzig, Germany.  

It was FANTASTIC to see her as we’d not seen each other for quite a while even though she lives in London. We caught up on where we are now, reflected on what has been and got excited about the future. Her new adventure in particular which is full of excitement, fear, anxiousness – I’m sure you can relate to the mix of emotions that accompany a big change. ;-)

There were two places in particular that my friend wanted to visit – The Roman Baths and Cheddar Gorge. First time visits for her, third time visits for me. So we both had different experiences.

Both places have a lot to see and learn so for me it was wonderful to revisit them with fresh eyes, a super companion and to notice what I noticed this time. I was also aware that I’m a different person to the one I was the last time I visited these places. All change.

What places would you like to Revisit? 

How might you be able to experience them differently?

Love Morwhenna

Spotted this chap in one of the displays at The Roman Baths. These are imprints of Roman tools and I just love the fact that a Roman tool looks like (to me) a quirky fellow. ;-) © morwhenna woolcock

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